After two years of disagreement, reconciliation between Maguy Bou Ghosn and Cyrine Abdelnour

After a two-year dispute, the two prominent artists, Cyrine Abdelnour and Maguy Bou Ghosn, After two years of disagreement, reconciliation between Maguy Bou Ghosn and Cyrine Abdelnour reconciled with an emotional hug during the funeral of artist Karen Rizkallah’s father.

After two years of disagreement, reconciliation between Maguy Bou Ghosn and Cyrine Abdelnour

Maguy arrived to offer her condolences and quickly approached Cyrine, who was standing next to Karen. In a video circulating online, the two were seen talking, making peace, and sharing a warm moment together in the presence of fellow artist Basem Mughniyeh.

Maguy Bou Ghosn and Cyrine Abdelnour Dispute Over “Death”

The conflict between Maguy Bou Ghosn and Cyrine Abdelnour dates back to 2022. After two years of disagreement, reconciliation between Maguy Bou Ghosn and Cyrine Abdelnour. During the production of the series *Death*. Cyrine had claimed that she was replaced by Maguy. In the show due to her husband, Jamal Sinan, being the series’ producer.

Maguy later denied Cyrine’s claims, explaining that the role was offered to several actresses before she was selected for the part.

Tensions escalated as the two stopped following each other on Instagram. At that time, Maguy also posted on her story, stating, “Sahar’s character only suits Maguy Bou Ghosn.”

Their recent reconciliation has put an end to this long-standing disagreement.

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