Elissa from the first album to the top, an artistic career that transcends borders

Elissa, known as the queen of emotions and possessor of a captivating voice, has achieved extraordinary success throughout her musical career. Elissa from the first album to the top, an artistic career that transcends borders. This remarkable journey has made her one of the most celebrated singers in the Arab world. From her debut album “Baddi Doub” to a string of hits that followed, Elissa has captured audiences with her romantic, heartfelt voice. In this article, we will explore the secrets behind her success, highlight her most famous songs, and recount the notable awards she has earned. Discover how this beloved artist became the darling of fans and uncover personal details that further endeared her to the public.

 Elissa’s Early Life and Background

Elissa, a Lebanese singer with high sensitivity and a distinctive voice, is among the most prominent stars in the Arab music scene. Her real name is Elissa Zakaria Khoury, and she was born on October 27, 1971, in Badr al-Ahmar, Baalbek, Lebanon. Elissa from the first album to the top, an artistic career that transcends borders. Raised in a middle-class Arab Christian family, her father worked as an Arabic language teacher, poet, and writer. Since the release of her debut album, Elissa has consistently drawn the attention of listeners, with each new release eagerly anticipated by her fans. Today, she stands as one of the most famous singers in the Arab world.

Elissa’s Musical Journey

Elissa from the first album to the top, an artistic career that transcends borders

Elissa first appeared on the music scene in late 1998 with her debut album “Baddi Doub,” which she accompanied with a music video. The album was a major success, topping the charts for eight consecutive weeks. By February 1999, the album was distributed by EMI, becoming one of the best-selling albums of the year 2000.

Elissa from the first album to the top, an artistic career that transcends borders

Her third album, released in 2002, marked a significant turning point in her career. It was met with great acclaim, winning her first Murex d’Or award. In 2004, she released her fourth album, “Ahla Donia,” which earned her the World Music Award for highest sales by a singer in the Middle East.

Elissa from the first album to the top, an artistic career that transcends borders

In 2009, her seventh album “Tesadaq Bimen” sold 750 copies within days of its release, and total sales exceeded 6 million copies. This achievement earned her a third World Music Award for the highest sales in the Middle East, along with six other accolades.

Elissa from the first album to the top, an artistic career that transcends borders

Secrets to Elissa’s Success

Secrets to Elissa's Success

During an interview with media personality Nadia Al-Bassat, Elissa shared some insights into the secrets of her success:

– **Self-awareness:** She emphasized the importance of knowing one’s worth and consistently acknowledging personal achievements.
– **Honesty and transparency:** Elissa believes in being genuine in her work, which resonates with her audience.
– **Adaptability and growth:** She values the ability to evolve and grow with time.
– **Persistence and hard work:** She stresses that success requires dedication, with the audience being a key pillar of that success.

Elissa also revealed some tips for elegance and beauty(

Elissa out of the spotlight)

Elissa out of the spotlight


– **Confidence:** For her, self-confidence is the key to beauty and elegance.
– **Taking care of one’s appearance:** Elissa encourages women to embrace their natural beauty while considering clothing choices and cosmetic enhancements if needed.
– **Imperfections:** She admits to having insecurities but focuses on her positive qualities.

Elissa out of the spotlight

Elissa openly shared that she has undergone plastic surgery but was not satisfied with the results and has since reversed some procedures.

Elissa’s Personal Life

Elissa recently shared details about her love life during a podcast interview on “Big Time.” She revealed that her partner is three years older than her, and they share the same birthdate. He is a wealthy, non-Lebanese man with white hair, and they maintain a long-distance relationship. She expressed that he loves her more than she loves him, and she feels secure, comfortable, and trusting in their relationship.

Elissa and her partner share many similar traits, particularly in how they handle situations like anger and communication. Although she cannot have children, her partner fully supports her career and encourages her success, despite occasional jealousy when she appears with models in her music videos.

Elissa’s Most Famous Songs

Here are some of Elissa’s most well-known songs:

– **”All Illusion”**
– **”Halali”**
– **”Glances”**
– **”Ana Daret”**
– **”The Contract”**
– **”From the Beginning of the Line”**
– **”I Was Lucky to Have You”**
– **”From the First Minute”**
– **”Before Anyone”**
– **”On My Mind, My Love”**
– **”Inside Me”**
– **”On Your Way”**
– **”See Heaven”**
– **”Jasmine Flower”**
– **”Written for You”**
– **”We Stayed Up All Night”**
– **”Princess of the Sweets”**

Elissa’s Albums

Some of Elissa’s most notable albums include:

– **”Saharna Ya Leil” (2016)**
– **”Ana Daret” (2024)**
– **”Ahla Donia” (2004)**
– **”Opinionated” (2020)**
– **”Last One with You” (2000)**
– **”Love Story” (2014)**
– **”My Days with You” (2007)**
– **”I Live for You” (2002)**
– **”Waiting for You” (2006)**
– **”Believe in Me” (2009)**
– **”To All Who Love Me” (2018)**
– **”Happiest Unit” (2012)**

Awards and Honors

Awards and honors

Throughout her career, Elissa has garnered over thirty music awards. Among the most prestigious are:

– **Murex d’Or Award (2002):** Best Arab Singer for her album “Ayshalak.”
– **Cannes Music Festival Award (2003):** Best Video Clip for “The Most Beautiful Feeling.”
– **World Music Award (2004):** Best-selling album for “Ahla Donia.”
– **Multiple other accolades** from the Murex d’Or, Syndicate of Professional Artists in Lebanon, World Music Awards, and more.

Awards and honors

This article has shed light on the remarkable career of Elissa, the queen of high emotions and the masses’ favorite artist. We explored her personal life, her most popular songs and albums, and the various awards she has received. Through her words in an interview with Nadia Al-Bassat, Elissa revealed the secrets to her success and how she reached such heights in her career.

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